Raise your platform to the all-time highs with principles of persuasion in your content

You can see exponential growth of your community by utilizing your communication channels from social media to Discord and Telegram, all the way to blog and newsletter.Your growth is GUARANTEED when principles of persuasion get implemented in your content because they are already tested to increase conversion rates by more than +92%.

Grow your platform by knowing your users, and their pains and desires

To be the leading platform and to successfully convey the mission and vision your technology provides, you'll get content that is tailored exactly to your user's needs.Once you start implementing principles of persuasion to your content your users will see that you know what they desire better than anyone else in your field which will allow you to rise above the vastness of other platforms.

Principles of persuasion on Luca's content generated a +92,59% boost in sales conversion rates. 📈 💰

The secret? VIVIDNESS.VIVID pictures. VIVID situations. VIVID emotions.

Why strategic solutions?

Every large platform with a large audience and ever-increasing revenue is providing the right solutions for their user's needs.

Expanding the audience reach

To make sure the users know about the solution your platform provides, it is crucial to be known as an authority figure in your industry to the largest audience.

Optimizing for revenue

There is no profit ever made without constantly providing value to your users through communication channels. But sometimes users don't see the value at first so you need to adjust the approach to leave the greatest persuasive impact so you can attract more users on your platform.

Glitch Dorian

Platform's growth and its fuel a.k.a. strong community are certain when you implement proven methods through strategical partnership.

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